Batman Of Giants and Men ( Robo Batman ) Complete Story

Batman Of Giants and Men  ( Robo Batman )

with Bruce Wayne out of action in a new Batman roam the streets of Gotham what

does the Justice League due to the complete story here as we take trade paper exit English as we bring them down at the deductible by to help you understand your medical back to you alterations to the panel's text and images are copyright problems in all art is owned by its respective companies this takes place in Detective Comics 45 and 46 it takes place during the time period in which bruce says amnesia and Jim Gordon is Batman Bruce Wayne is

nothing more than a man Raymond after the events of endgame his mind was healed and it healed all of the traumatic memories without the elements that tournament to batman is nothing more than a billionaire trying his best to help the world with his money and Alfred wants it to stay that way that may be a problem though as the Justice League needs there detective they need Batman so they come knocking on the front door of wind manner without

written answers the door wonder woman tells him that they would like to speak to Bruce and Albert explains as he told Superman several days ago when Superman showed up looking for his friend there are a great number of reasons why Bruce Wayne King up under his Justice League responsibilities anymore but Superman Chinese something's come up outward and ashes and explains the Liga stronger them in on her side especially when he's in full on Detective Mode and the flash

finishes the thought in other words mister Pennyworth we would like to see there's a chance the Bruce we need is still there were looking for a lifeline to grab onto and pull him out of this funk would bruce has been given is a new lifeline no history no baggage no tragedy no entanglements he's truly free to walk in a late start over the bridge when do you need is simply not there anymore we're asking to reach out to freeze one final time helped save

countless lives in Bruce walks in a down moment so why don't you ask me wonder woman walked Bruce Wayne to the back of women with a set down as she was the last true to get definitive answers as to his state of mind he knows about the league everyone under the gun said he knows that he did something for them a long time ago and he's proud and honored to help them he didn't overhear much at least talk to penny

and if it's anything you can do to help them now would be more than willing to do so they both in walked back into the main home will wonder woman tells the team it wouldn't be best for him to try and help them so Superman shakes persuades handed by in the league leads the manor sad they don't have the Bruce Wayne and meanwhile across companies Jim Gordon is putting his bandages on from his latest fight once Batman went missing a new Batman was built under

Project Gotham and wonder remove all of the vigilantes over potentially causing these problems he went to the local baseball game as Jim Gordon and he was called in to stop some F fifteens are flying in and attacking Gaza using his jetpack he takes off and lands on the jet before it begins to take them apart piece by piece and tear the pilot out of it he then looks on as the destroyed a 15 because the crash into gospel it calls it helped to catch it before it

hurts someone one-woman shows up and break it into pieces batman turns to her holy school handle these planes that man whose week he then looks on as the Justice League stops each and every one of the planes allowing Batman to grab the man behind this entire plan the Mad Hatter he then flew over to win the league was waiting for him in all this what the Justice League he lands wanting to thank them for their help but our commitment to short we came here for a

reason and time is of the essence of will cut the pleasantries short they'll know who he is and they needed help Batman was the detective of the team and he always spoke very highly of Jim Gordon he tells them who might have seen her the Justice League a slap on the back with a watchtower teleporter in the whole group is teleported to the snowy mountains in front of a giant sized skeleton bad man

gets right to work looking at the hands because they reveal a lot about a person is you sense she's a min flash dig two hands out of the snow right away inventing concede that they're covered with defensive wounds he did as Wonder Woman lift the skull where you find a large entry wound in the back of the skull realizing that he stumbled onto a giant homicide Batman Begins looking for the murder weapon and he finds a club shaped rock structure a little ways off

flash runs through the entire area looking for kids and she helps Batman lift the rock until they can find the cave it was removed from inside they found a gelatinous substance and moving upwards and they follow a deeper into the cave until they find a second giant skeleton that appears to have committed suicide the flash teleported to the watchtower to investigate a little further

and they'll discover that the first skeleton was a male and the second one is a female while the gelatin is human base and that moment one of the creatures breaks through the nearby wall spewing the material all over the league cyborg grabs Batman as they pulled the jet out of the cable the rest of the league is covered up so badly turns around jamming to hell I should have done something and he fires a rocket back in

that direction are you crazy to start an avalanche cyber tells him and then he tells them get a hold of yourself blowing up things won't help those are my teammates in there will be fine cyborg investment both go back inside slowly when they see the monster crying over the skeleton in the league stuck in the Joe that's when Batman put it all together he has no idea why or how these creatures got here in the first place

but it believes the female one was pregnant in the mail one was crippled or injured or unable to move he saw a fracturing Shin the female must have killed her husband in order to stay alive by eating and save the baby then she went to the caber she had the baby pieces of herself so there was no more defeated she then killed herself with the baby could eat the rest in survived the only problem is that the baby was attached to the mother and he wouldn't

leave her side even with her dead so its survival mechanism kicked in a release that gel which is a kind of breast milk to this creature on our world you can only get it from human eyeballs didn't turn the cyborg could you make a 3d rendering of its mother and superimposed on that skeleton once you do that the creature will pay attention to its mother and ignore the league so they can get the lead out of their batman takes off providing a distraction inside what

makes the 3d model which immediately gets the child's attention with the leak free day scandal creature finally may realize that this creature is going to die of starvation soon and it would be best to hold the 3d rendering their said that the creature Kentucky with its mother the league then teleport to an earthquake races elsewhere agree sustained keep an eye on this creature as it dies as they teleport away

Aquaman tells Batman that he just took his first step towards being epic and once they leave Gordon takes his helmet off and then he moves the arm of the 3d rendering around the child while he sings a lullaby this is one of those great stories about Jim Gordon Batman and I do want to cover up quite a few more of those soon to know what's going on with the Batman world right now I just felt like bringing this one to you because personally I love it

i think is such a sweet story I made it to come ashore to make sure you check out the videos you just might like them and I'll see you next time regular
Batman Of Giants and Men ( Robo Batman ) Complete Story Batman Of Giants and Men  ( Robo Batman ) Complete Story Reviewed by Unknown on April 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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